1ON1Lite, The best email service in the world - and its FREE

1ON1Lite is the only FREE client based, secure, email software and service. The question is "Who needs it and why?"

There are 3 answers:

  • Every businessman, lawyer, accountant, doctor, and a host of others need to communicate information which is sensitive and confidential at some point in time.

  • Email is a fast and convenient form of communication, but it is not secure. 1ON1 adds complete security at no cost to enable you to replace more costly and less secure forms of communication. Replace your faxes, phone calls, letters and courier deliveries with secure email, and you can save a massive amount which goes straight to your bottom line.

  • Complete security is more than encryption. Only 1ON1Lite incorporates anonymity and self-destruct capabilities to email. Microsoft is an example of a company that has suffered in court because of its email. Five years ago they could not have known that they would face an anti-trust case.
    1ON1Lite alone can ensure that your past does not come back to haunt you. One day that could save you a fortune.

  • Send any comment about this web site to webmaster@1on1 Lite.com Copyright � 1999 Strategic Internet Services Inc. All rights reserved. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Other products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders.