1.0 Introduction- (secure communication and encryption technologies)

The strength of 1on1mail is not based upon a single technology, but upon a total philosophy. A complete system for secure communication built around a world-wide network of secure mail servers using tried and trusted encryption technologies.
Within such a system, the technology and the topography play different roles, each reinforcing the other, and make the whole greater than the sum of the parts. The encryption technologies ensures that individual messages are themselves kept private, while the topography, ensures that messages are delivered, and protects the encryption technology by centralising the management of crucial password and key information.

2.0 Client Security (Hammer and Anvil)

Protecting the mail in transit is only half of the story. Recently is has become clear that mail stored on either a server or client programme can be just as damming, as mail intercepted on-route. Clearly then, we need to offer mail stored on the client, the same security that protects mail in transit. 1on1mail is designed around the notion of total security, for both stored mail, and mail in transit. Messages are ALWAYS kept in their origin-encrypted form, and only decrypted prior to it being displayed. No messages are ever stored in disk or memory cache. Of course, it is possible for someone to take a photograph of the screen. But we have that situation covered. If 1on1mail is left unattained for any length of time, every mail message displayed is re-encrypted encrypted. Think of it as a mail specific screen saver.

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